HasValuevisible="AM:HasValue([{data:imageurl}])"The image is visible when the 'imageurl' field has a value, otherwise it is hidden
am:userrole  Shows an element in the layout if the registereduser role is boss. 
- unauthorized
- authorized
- customer
- employee
- manager
- boss
Uppervalue="AM:Upper([{data:title}])”Uppercase the titel “MY TITLE”
Lowervalue="AM:Upper([{data:title}])”Lowercases the title “the title”
TruncateWithDotsvalue="AM:TruncateWithDots([{data:description}], [80])”Cuts the “description” text off at 80 characters and shows “dots” at the end.
Equalsvisible=”AM:Equals([{data:category}],[men])”Shows the label if the “category” is “men” or “man”.
Orvisible="AM:Or([AM:Equals([{data:color}], [Green])], [AM:Equals([{data:color}], [Yellow])])"Will display the label when the color is Green OR Yellow
ValueWithFallBackvalue="AM:ValueWithFallback([{data:category}], [Train])"If there is no 'category', fallback to the text 'Train'
2 params
FormatDatevalue="AM:FormatDate([{data:starttime}],[HH:mm])"Will show the time (like 13:45)  
value="AM:FormatDate([{data:date_and_time_picker}],[dd, MM, yyyy])"Will show the date (like 21-08-1984)
ValueWithFallBackvalue="AM:ValueWithFallback([{data:description}], [{data:introtext}], [No description available] )"Try {data:description}, if empty, try {data:introtext}, also empty? Use 'No description available'
3 params
Replacevalue="AM:Replace([{data:description}], [Hi], [Hello])"Finds and replaced 'Hi' with 'Hello' in the field 'description
HtmlDecodevalue="AM:HtmlDecode([Small > big])"Html decode the given text. Example: 'Small > big' will print 'Small > big'
TruncateWithDotsvalue="AM:TruncateWithDots([{data:description}], [80])"Cuts the 'description' text off at 80 characters and shows "dots" at the end
Notvisible="AM:Not([AM:Equals([{data:category}], [Red])])"Label is visible when the field 'category' is anything except the value 'Red'
Currentdate  Show the current date in a label
<date value="{device:currentdate}" margin="5" format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
ANDvisible="AM:AND([AM:Equals([{data:color}], [Green])], [AM:Equals([{data:color}], [Yellow])])"Will display the label when the color is Green AND Yellow